Thursday, November 19, 2020
So you have recognized that your beliefs might be outdated, let me congratulate you on completing the first step!
It's quite a fascinating topic truly, each and every one of us has our own personality that evolves from the actions taken throughout one's life. Think of yourself as having three inner layers in order to understand how your beliefs came to be. Your outcomes, processes and your identity.
You are not born with pre-set beliefs. Every belief, including self-beliefs, is shaped by personal life experiences. It might seem simple to shift your identity by changing your outcome-based goals, but in order to truly succeed in doing this you will need to dig deeper.
Consider weight loss as an example: setting a 20 lbs. goal is straightforward, but it will be hard to complete this goal without first changing your processes and mindset. The foundation of behaviour change lies in identity. Identity develops from habits, learned and conditioned through experiences. Shifting your identity, truly embracing a new self, facilitates easier process and outcome modifications. Bit by bit, day by day, habit by habit, you are getting better, better and better!
The question that everyone wants to know is : Is it truly possible to shift one's beliefs?
Yes, you can shift your beliefs but no, it won't happen overnight.
It is not a quick fix because you are going to need to change not only your mindset, but also your actions that you take to achieve said mindset on a daily basis and you are going to need the desire to do so. To illustrate my perspective, I'll focus on a single example: the topic of money. This topic can relate to the majority, as there is a strong desire to be financially stable by most. Using The Silva Method techniques, you will be able to get rid of unconscious money blocks and start fresh on a path to creative freedom, independence and a healthy relationship with money.
Success and new possibilities come from within. Our thoughts are both our power and our weakness. Thoughts such as, "I am smart...", I am good at.....", empower us. Lift us up and pull us toward success. Thoughts like "I can't do.....", "I hate....", "Why did this [bad thing] happen to me....?" block us and hold us back.
These negative thoughts are also known as complaints. Complaints about ourselves, our environment or our relationships. Possibility exists when our complaints disappear. In the Silva Method, we employ Mental Housecleaning to eliminate complaints. This technology is easy to learn and easy to use.
Click here for a deeper look into The Silva Method.
That being said, Let's dive into our mind space and set you up for success. Using The Silva Method, we will show you how to reach your Alpha state of mind which allows you to connect with yourself in a deeper state to facilitate a direct transformation of your beliefs before your very eyes.
Join us in our upcoming course for a deeper exploration, where we employ diverse exercises, meditation, and neuro-coaching to dissolve your outdated beliefs.
Abundance, Joy and Ease
Stephen Dobos
Abundance Scientist, Coach and Silva Method Instructor
Being a Silva Method Instructor is not a job to me. It is my passion, a way of life! When I first learned about the Silva Method, I was unsure about it, but it's effects jumped out pretty quickly.
Now I teach the Silva Method to help others find its life changing benefits. And there's always new ways to learn and grow. I created this blog to share real life examples of how the Silva Mind Control Method works.
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