New Year, New You!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Silva Method Blog/New Year, New You!

As 2024 approaches, with just six weeks until New Year's Eve, we're presented with a unique opportunity: a chance to start afresh.

The New Year is a blank slate, inviting us to realign our goals and intentions with renewed perspective and clarity. It's the perfect time to contemplate who we want to be and what we aspire to achieve in the upcoming year.

Here is a simple, yet powerful, exercise to envision the "new you."

Imagine it's November 19th, 2024. A whole year has passed since you first read this email. You're at the grocery store and unexpectedly run into an old friend. They ask, “How has your year been?” Think about what you genuinely want to tell them.

This isn't about what might, could, or should happen. It's about what you want to happen.

Have you landed a new job? Explored new places? Taken up a new hobby?

Are you healthier, be it mentally, emotionally, or physically?

Do you feel happier, less stressed, more content with life?

Remember, no ambition is too lofty – the sky's your limit.

Take a moment now and reflect. I'll wait.....

Now, articulate your vision in the past tense, as if it's already happened. Share your story - your experiences, the journey you undertook, your emotions. Say it out loud to yourself, tell a friend, journal it, or email me at

Visualize it vividly and describe it in as much detail as possible.

Congratulations! You've just visualized your 2024 self, bringing you one step closer to making it a reality.

But how can these visions be transformed into your reality? The key lies in mastering the power of your mind. This is precisely where the Silva Method comes into play.

The Silva Method is more than just a self-help approach. It's a scientifically-backed system of dynamic meditation and mind control, designed to unlock your potential, transform your life, and sharpen your mental acumen.

In the Silva Method course, you'll discover how to:
~Harness the power of your subconscious to positively impact your conscious choices.
~Employ techniques for enhanced mental clarity, stress reduction, and productivity.
~Apply practical methods to materialize your goals and bring your visualizations into existence.

This journey is more than just setting New Year's resolutions. It's about your life transformation. The Silva Method equips you with the tools to bridge the gap between dreams and achievements, between aspirations and realities.

Embrace the coming year and transform into who you want to be. Join the Silva Method and start turning your dreams into reality.

Wishing you Abundance, Joy, and Ease.
Stephen Dobos

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Hi, I'm Stephen Dobos

Abundance Scientist, Coach and Silva Method Instructor

Being a Silva Method Instructor is not a job to me. It is my passion, a way of life! When I first learned about the Silva Method, I was unsure about it, but it's effects jumped out pretty quickly.

Now I teach the Silva Method to help others find its life changing benefits. And there's always new ways to learn and grow. I created this blog to share real life examples of how the Silva Mind Control Method works.

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