Unlocking Limitless Abundance

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Silva Method Blog/Unlocking Limitless Abundance

There is a natural spring in Sutton, QC, nestled just beyond the town's borders. Its continuous flow of pristine, cool water is a testament to the vast reserves hidden beneath the surface. The Township of Sutton has thoughtfully constructed a platform and spout, providing easy access to this pure, freshwater.

Our minds are often conditioned to conserve, to be responsible stewards of resources like water. We're taught to turn off taps and not to waste it. So when we stand before this spring, witnessing its ceaseless flow with no ability to turn it off, it can evoke an unexpected emotion: anxiety.

This remarkable spring is the perfect example of abundance. It is a powerful metaphor for the abundance that exists in our lives and the challenges we encounter in embracing it. It's an illustration of the ceaseless flow of abundance in the universe. But your conditioned response is to control it. To reach for the spout, turn it off, and stop what seems endless.

This internal conflict mirrors the way we often approach abundance in our lives. We're conditioned to hold back, to limit our expectations, to avoid disappointment, and sometimes, to resist abundance when it presents itself in its purest form. We're fearful that it might stop or that if we take it, there won't be enough for others. We get anxious about not being able to control or stop the flow, to turn it on and off in case we "need" it later.

It's as if we fear that abundance will run out. We're worried that we won't be able to manage or contain it, so we unconsciously resist the very thing we desire.

The truth is, like the spring in Sutton, abundance is boundless. It flows naturally and continuously. Our role isn't to control it but to embrace it, just as we would cup our hands and drink from the fresh spring. We must learn to trust in the abundance of the universe and allow it to flow into our lives without reservation.

The anxiety we feel when faced with unbridled abundance stems from the conditioning that we must ration, hoard, or even turn off the flow. But life's true abundance isn't a threat; it's a gift. We don't need to shut it off; we need to open ourselves up to receive it fully.

So the next time you encounter that bubbling spring or a moment of abundance in your life, remember to embrace it, to trust in its limitless flow, and to let it fill your cup without hesitation. Just as the spring in Sutton continues to offer its clear, refreshing waters, the universe is always ready to pour its abundance into your life if you open yourself up to receive it.

Are you on a journey of discovering abundance? Join the Silva Method. Click here to learn more about our upcoming courses.

Wishing you abundance, joy, and ease,
Stephen Dobos

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Hi, I'm Stephen Dobos

Abundance Scientist, Coach and Silva Method Instructor

Being a Silva Method Instructor is not a job to me. It is my passion, a way of life! When I first learned about the Silva Method, I was unsure about it, but it's effects jumped out pretty quickly.

Now I teach the Silva Method to help others find its life changing benefits. And there's always new ways to learn and grow. I created this blog to share real life examples of how the Silva Mind Control Method works.

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